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Baltic Nutrition and Health Federation

One of the main goals of the BN&HF is the education of the public on health and nutrition issues. The association brings together healthcare professionals as well as those who care about these issues.

Non-commercial Partnership “European-Russian InnoPartnership” (InnoPartnership, ERIP)

ERIP intends to implement a project aiming at sustainable tourism support and tourists attraction due to joint development and promotion of products and services based on local resources, by: • New modern tourism directions development: business and events tourism, recreational tourism, water and health tourism • Development of new thematic tours allowing expanding potential of […]

Culture Department of Daugavpils District Municipality

Border area is a place where different cultures mix together. Culture Department of Daugavpils District Municipality is looking forward to re-create habits, cross cultural communication, tourism habits and the ability to solve problems through dialogue and cooperation forming cultural environment in border area. Cross-border cooperation is considered as a most important factor for changing existing […]