Project implementation and COVID-19

Dear project beneficiaries, as the coronavirus is causing concerns all over the world, we’ve put together some key information regarding this situation to help you understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your project.

Project implementation

Since the Emergency Situation was declared in Latvia a variety of rules and strict recommendations must be observed when deciding on project events and activities. Moreover, the recommendations of the national authorities of the Russian Federation are available and should be followed. To prevent the spread of the virus, we support these safety measures and we realize the possible influence.

As soon as you identify the possible impact of the pandemic on your project activities, please contact your Project Manager and describe your case to receive our support. Please note that as the situation is changing day-by-day it is not in our hands to provide you with one size fits all solution, however we will work to help you reassess on best ways how to proceed with your project implementation.

Eligibility of costs

Despite the pandemic, project implementation must be supported by relevant documentation of the processes. Especially, if project activities are cancelled or postponed (flights, accommodation, catering, rent etc.) thus also potentially affecting project budget, please:

  • Ask for reimbursement quickly and in line with contractual terms.
  • If the costs are not recoverable, try to limit the financial impact.

The irrecoverable costs are only eligible if they are proved to be a result of unforeseen external circumstances and are supported by clear and relevant documented justification  and fixed proofs that the beneficiary has exhausted all options to recover costs and they still cannot be reimbursed or can be reimbursed only partly (in the amount paid to the organizer of activity).

More questions?

Please contact your Project Manager to detail your case and possible impact on your project day-to-day implementation.

Managing Authority and Joint Technical Secretariat staff are staying aware and will inform you about updates. Be healthy and responsible!

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