We invite you to celebrate European Cooperation Day 2019 together in Pskov, Salaspils and Saint Petersburg. We decided to concentrate on environment this year because this is something that has an outspoken cross-border character. Environmental issues are not geographically bounded and sustainable development can only be achieved jointly!
September 7 | 1 pm | Golden embankment, Pskov, Russia
Open-air exhibition of grant-contracted projects from Latvia-Russia and Estonia-Russia CBC Programmes will demonstrate expected project results to families with kids and students via interactive tasks
- Can you be a customs officer and preserve nature?
- Can you tell names of fire-fighting equipment?
- Do you know birds and plants in your cross border area?
Visitors will travel through stands getting to know projects and collecting project portfolios to receive ECDay gifts at the end and enjoy our ECDay specialty – Russian, Latvian and Estonian burgers.
September 20 | 11 am | National Botanic Garden of Latvia, Salaspils, Latvia
We will celebrate European Cooperation Day and World Cleanup Day in Salaspils (Riga Region) by planting seedlings with students from Riga Region to raise awareness in ecological issues. On September 20, participants will meet in the National Botanic Garden of Latvia in Salaspils to plant beautiful hydrangea garden, discuss cross-border cooperation and ecological issues. You can join us by planting trees in your region and tagging us on your photo on Facebook/Twitter @latruscbc.
September 25 | 10 am | Educational Center of State Vodokanal, St. Petersburg, Russia
In cooperation with the South-East Finland – Russia, Estonia-Russia CBC Programmes 2014-2020, and the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme we are celebrating “Nature as our common treasure” together with school graduates and first-year students from St Petersburg and Leningrad Region, focusing on environmental studies, to explore the cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes implemented by the European Union, the Member States and the Russian Federation. At the end of the event, all participants will join the “Culinary journey” to discover delicious traditions of the Baltic Sea countries.