Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 has become the part of the travelling exhibition “ВМЕСТЕ” (“TOGETHER”) initiated and developed by Delegation of the European Union to Russia with the support from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
The Exhibition is dedicated to the long-term cross-border cooperation (CBC) between the Russian Federation and the European Union. It supports regional socio-economic development and strengthening of relations among people on both sides of the border over the course of a quarter century. The exposition of “ВМЕСТЕ” aims to give an opportunity to the wider audience to learn about CBC projects through personal stories of project participants. As the Ambassador of the European Union to Russia, Markus Ederer, puts it “the cross-border cooperation is of exceptional value for the European Union. It actually evidences that the EU and Russia are able and ready to cooperate in fields of common interest. This is why the EU is interested to continue this successful action within the new generation of programmes for the period till 2027. <…> Attractiveness of the CBC is in its non-abstract nature, but reasonable specificity and tangibility. The citizens of the border regions and beyond see its results, and hopefully feel the changes to the better. Cooperation allows local communities building perspective partnership across borders. Proactive teamwork of the border regions communities is a great example of the mutually beneficial international cooperation”.
The Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Volvach, makes the point that “a vast array of participants, from regional authorities to municipalities and to average citizens, is the indicator of interest to the programmes. The achieved results, from development of infrastructure objects to joint events for school children, evidence the comprehensive payoff and benefits for people on both sides of the border. <…> joint projects on the border territories contribute to solution of common challenges, and experience exchange, creative and innovative ideas and development of long-term economic and partnership relations play an essential role in this process. Environment protection, support to innovations, development of cultural tides, increase in quality of social services and improve conditions for mutual traveling of citizens across borders are the fields where the joint efforts allow achieving tangible results”.
The Exhibition tells the vivid stories of 22 large infrastructure and regular projects implemented within 7 cross-border cooperation programmes in the programming period 2014-2020. It shows the real people behind programmes, projects and statistical data. These people are true ambassadors of the cross-border cooperation! Their personal stories and experience of game changing projects give us the notion of how essential the cross-border cooperation is!
Three projects of the Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 included in the travelling exhibition “ВМЕСТЕ” are:
- Preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage in Latvia and Russia turns to capacities of Daugavpils Fortress, Cesvaine Castle (Latvia) and Bekleshev’s Manor House (Pskov, Russia) that are renovated to get a fresh start as regional tourism and recreation focal points. Svetlana Baranova, Head of tourist agency, emphasizes that “the project created an opportunity to demonstrate that Pskov is not only about history and culture. We have many exciting entertainments and unusual places like gingerbread and ‘samovar’ workshops <…> The new tourist center opened doors and now helps promote new tourist proposals and routes. <…> We have many things to offer besides traditional souvenirs <…>, e.g. our cuisine specialties. Ever tried the sun-dried cucumbers?”
- 630 Versts full of Feelings strengthens historical and cultural capacity of the cross-border area and contributes to socio-economic development the Programme regions. The Development manager for culture tourism projects, Lyudmila Miley, explains that they “selected the most unconventional locations for the tourist route “630 Versts of Feelings” to amaze the tourists. One would not find traditional historical and cultural narration en-route – we tried to showcase the diversity of the landmarks and to involve the visitors into interactive entertainment. <…> new impressions and sensorial experience would inevitably spark interest to history and people connected with those places”.
- Entrepreneurship, women and advice: a network of resource centers for women entrepreneurs in the border areas tackles socio-economic potential of women as significant part of economically active population in the Programme regions. The project created the network of 4 equipped women resource centers, involved professional coaches to deliver pilot trainings for female entrepreneurs and start-ups. Mentorship has become one of the project highlights. The Head of the Mental Math School ‘Soroban’ in Pskov, Maria Andreeva, tells that participation in the project “provided an amazing opportunity to find fellow-thinkers and partners. <…> the resource center gave us a clue, how to spread a word about our new services among citizens. We became better known in town and new clients turned up”.
To learn more about Latvia and Russia cross-border cooperation projects and their achievements, we invite you to visit the dedicated section of our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using the tag @latruscbc.
The travelling exhibition “ВМЕСТЕ” has been launched on 21 September 2021 in Pertozavodsk, Karelia, and on 27 September 2021 in Kaliningrad. Expect the Exhibition in
- St Petersburg from 18 to 31 October 2021 (St Petersburg State Economic University)
- Murmansk from 15 to 28 November 2021 (Parkovaya square)
In the meanwhile, let’s enjoy the exhibition online!