The first reporting period is approaching for many contracted projects. The Joint Technical Secretariat team would like to remind that all lead beneficiaries and beneficiaries from Russia have a responsibility to select an auditor who is independent from the beneficiary, to perform expenditure and revenue verification for beneficiary’s individual interim and final report.
The key requirements to auditor selection are available here: http://bit.ly/selection-of-an-auditor-for-Russian-beneficiaries
Once the auditor has been selected, beneficiaries from Russia have to:
- inform the Lead beneficiary who will forward this information (including contact details of the auditor) to the Joint Technical Secretariat by sending an email to the official e-mail of the Programme lat-rus.cbc@varam.gov.lv;
- deliver to the Lead beneficiary an original Notification of compliance of an auditor (available here: https://latruscbc.eu/implementation/guidelines/) which is to be submitted by the Lead beneficiary to the official address of the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat.
Dear beneficiaries from Russia, please read the document carefully and please do not hesitate to contact your Project Manager if you have any questions.