On 6 June from 10:45 – 13:00 join us for a webinar on 2nd call for proposals (Priority 2.2). The webinar will present the Priority 2.2 “Joint actions in environmental management” and details about requirements, supported activities and expected results.
The webinar will allow to present your project idea to other participants, connect with other organisation interested in the same priority and build partnerships. Therefore we invite you to join the webinar at one of our offices:
- Riga, Doma laukums 8a, 5th floor, Riga, Latvia
- Pskov, Sovetskaya Street 60a, entrance 3, 3rd floor, office room 44, Pskov, Russia
- Petersburg, Izmailovsky Prospect 14, Office 314a, St. Petersburg, Russia
Also individual consultation will be provided upon request after the webinar.
If you cannot be present at any of the given locations, please contact us to request individual access to the webinar.
For registration please click on the following link: https://latruscbc.eu/event/webinar-on-2nd-call-for-proposals/