Сreation of conditions for the provision of high-tech information services based on local resources

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS)

Priority 1.2. Development and promotion of new products and services based on local resources

Public Authority

St. Petersburg

Viacheslav Zelentsov, +7 921 319 8771, v.a.zelentsov@gmail.com


39, 14 Line, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia

Program ESTLATRUS 2007-2013, projects: INFROM, Baltic ICT Platform

Looking for Partner(s):


Authorities, Universities, SME


Description of your project idea

Сreation of a new kind of services based on local resources; raising the regional digital development level for the improvement of regional attractiveness; improving education; increasing of the quantity and quality of high-tech information services for population and business; creation of new high-tech jobs.

Expected Results

Infrastructure and trained staff to provide information services, including aerospace monitoring and geo-information services, information infrastructure and products to raise awareness about the status of the territory and to develop business activity (tourism, precision agriculture, and others).

Target groups/Beneficiaries

Local authorities, population, SME, entrepreneurs

Main Planned Activities

Developments, networking, seminars, trainings, implementation, pilot testing, articles