Description of your project idea
The objective of the project is to improve the attitudes in society towards enterprising and therefore improve regional competitiveness. Enterprising is a dynamic and social process where individuals identify opportunities and make something out of them in order to transform ideas into practical and aim oriented activities within social, cultural or economical framework. This includes a more specific concept of training on how to create business (entrepreneurship and career education) and a broader concept of education for enterprising attitudes to skills which involve developing certain personal qualities such as creativity, responsibility, curiosity etc. In this project we would like to offer the opportunity for the target groups to start this process. Good examples, best practices and experiences are needed from both regions. Enterprising education leads to a better knowledge, more positive attitude towards enterprising and on the long run higher level of entrepreneurial activity in project regions.
Expected Results
The result of project will be increased competitiveness and economic development due to co-operation in promoting enterprising and entrepreneurship. The adequate information about enterprising will create positive attitude towards it and there will be more young people who are active in society, who want to start their own businesses. The more active people and small- and medium sized companies we have, the more competitive regions we will have in Latvia and Russia.
Target groups/Beneficiaries
The main target groups are teachers, headmasters and students (age 16-20). Other target groups are municipalities, politicians, parents and companies.
Main Planned Activities
The main activities are enterprising education training, networking electronically/personally (incl. study trips, exchange), start up packages for each participating school and dissemination by international seminars, common website and other marketing materials.