Forecasting emergencies and improvement the readiness to emergency situations Forecasting emergencies and improvement the readiness to emergency situations

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS)

2.2. Joint actions in environmental management

Public Authority

St. Petersburg

Viacheslav Zelentsov, +7 921 319 8771,

39, 14 Line, St.Petersburg, 199178, Russia

Program ESTLATRUS 2007-2013, projects: INFROM, Baltic ICT Platform

Looking for Partner(s):


Authorities, Universities, Ecological organizations, Emergency services


Description of your project idea

Raising capacity of local and regional authorities in responding to the emergency situation; development of joint monitoring and warning systems and tools for better preparing to extraordinary situations; reducing possible damage to environment of the programme territory.

Expected Results

Infrastructure, tools and trained staff for risks assessment (on an example of floods); recommendations on increasing emergency preparedness; access to the results of monitoring and forecasting by fixed and mobile personal devices (smartphones, tablets).

Target groups/Beneficiaries

Local authorities, emergency services, population, ecological organizations, insurance companies

Main Planned Activities

Developments, networking, seminars, trainings for users, implementation, pilot testing, articles