Interregional charitable public organisation “Biologists for nature conservation” (Baltic Fund for Nature)

Interregional charitable public organisation "Biologists for nature conservation" (Baltic Fund for Nature)

2.2. Joint actions in environmental management


St. Petersburg

Evgeny Genelt-Yanovsky, +7-921-978-01-77,

199106, St. Petersburg, 24 line 3-7, office 602, post box 105

More than 20 years experience in implementation of cross-border and international projects related to ecological studies and environmental education in North-West Russia. Participated as a partner in various EU programmes and projects: LIFE, ENPI CBC (South-East Finland - Russia, ESTLATRUS), WWF Baltic ecoregion programme, The Emerald Network, TACIS, UNDP etc.

Looking for Partner(s):



Lead partner, experience in implementation of environmental actions and raising public awareness about nature

We are ready to develop and carry out activities aimed at raising public awareness about environment of cross-border area, develop new educational and information materials, develop and build educational infrastructure and exhibitions about nature values.