Non-commercial Partnership “European-Russian InnoPartnership” (InnoPartnership, ERIP)

Non-commercial Partnership “European-Russian InnoPartnership” (InnoPartnership, ERIP)

Remove term: 1.2. Development and promotion of new products and services based on local resources 1.2. Development and promotion of new products and services based on local resources


St. Petersburg

Maria Kuzko, +7(812) 602-01-36,

St.Petersburg, Ligovsky av. 153A

InnoPartnership acted as Partner of the "Two-Model Open Innovation Platform" (TMOIPA) TACIS project and EU – Russia Innovation Corridor (ERIC) Interreg project. Additionally, the following projects were implemented within the previous ENPI 2007-2013 Programme: - SE312, Innovation and business cooperation (InnoBus), 2011-2014, South-East Finland – Russia CBC Programme; - ELRI121, Baltic ICT Platform (Baltic ICT), 2012-2014, Estonia – Latvia – Russia CBC Programme. ERIP was established with the support of European and Russian authorities comprising the largest companies and organizations in IT (Cisco, Karostech, Digiton, Telda) and educational fields (SUAI, SPIIRAS, etc.). The organization provides services for development and protection of innovations for businesses, organizes research, implementation and integration of the best Russian and European innovation experience. The scope of our activities is quite wide and include the following spheres: business and SME support, tourism-related services, innovations (e.g. internet of things), educational activities, augmented reality technologies, state and municipal e-services development, systems for G2B, G2C sector, culture heritage preservation, digitalization etc. ERIP has a broad partner network and many years of cooperation experience by implementation of joint projects in various spheres and in tourism in particular.

Looking for Partner(s):



Experience in successful implementation of international project(s) in the tourism sphere, capacity to properly implement project tasks.

ERIP intends to implement a project aiming at sustainable tourism support and tourists attraction due to joint development and promotion of products and services based on local resources, by:
• New modern tourism directions development: business and events tourism, recreational tourism, water and health tourism
• Development of new thematic tours allowing expanding potential of nature/cultural objects
Tours will be based on the diversity of Latvia and Russia and promote areas as an attractive tourist destination;
• Innovative tourist web-portal/service raising awareness about opportunities for travelers in the Programme region and encouraging businesses to offer products and services
• Cultural/historical infrastructure supporting actions for tourism promotion: strengthening cooperation and experience exchange among the actors of culture and tourism industry; organization of cultural events in the cultural sights in order to attract visitors and to promote local producers and craftsmen and preserve traditional skills
• Skills-raising programme and supporting events for tourism related local SMEs in order to reduce
mismatch in requirements for standards of tourist accommodation.

Target groups:
– Local cultural and heritage sites
– Businesses operating in the tourism field (including entrepreneurs, craftsmen, etc.)
– Tourists travelling in the Programme area

Expected results:
• Developed potential for different types of tourism that would make the regions more attractive for tourists and businesses
• New thematic tourist directions
• Developed potential of internal resources and existing tourism development indicators.