St.Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “St.Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre”

St.Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “St.Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre”

2.2. Joint actions in environmental management

Public equivalent body

St. Petersburg

Liudmila Kucher, +79811733027,

59 Cherniakhovskogo str., 191040, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

SPb IAC has extensive experience and strong capacities in the sphere of international cooperation, management and implementation of international projects.The organization experts are well aware of international projects management and implementation. Since 2006 the organization has participated in a number of EU-funded international projects, including: Development of Internet-based Interactive Government to Business Services in Northwest Russia (G2B NWR) (Tacis); Finnish-Russian Innovation Center; Cross-Border ICT Business Bridge; EstRuCluster Development (BSR InterReg III B); Two Model Open Innovation Platform Approach. The following international projects were implemented within ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013: SE312 Innovation and Business Cooperation (InnoBus), SE500 Waste Management, SE396 Improving Social Services, SE703 IMU - Integrated Multilingual E-services for Business Communication, ELRI-167 Cross-Border E-archive.

Looking for Partner(s):



Authorities, universities, ecological organizations, emergency services.

St.Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “St.Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre” (SPb IAC) together with St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) invite partners from Latvia to participate in our project.

A unified Latvian-Russian information system for analyses of water and wetlands objects state changes dynamics will be developed and integrated within the project.