Description of your project idea
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate sustainable development of entrepreneurship in cross-border areas by providing target groups with crucial business-related knowledge, helping them develop necessary skills and competencies, transferring experience of successful entrepreneurs to target groups, as well as showing a complete picture of real-life entrepreneurship through a set of innovative entrepreneurship support solutions and tools. Specific objectives of the project are: 1) To develop innovative entrepreneurship support solutions and tools based on cooperation between formal and informal educational institutions, business support organizations and representatives of business circles; 2) To facilitate communication and cooperation between target group representatives from both sides of the border.
Expected results
A set of activities carried out throughout the project will make target group representatives better prepared for starting and/or developing own business in terms of knowledge, competencies, skills, personal qualities and interpersonal connections, including cross-border ones, as well as confident and inspired about the idea of being an entrepreneur. This is expected to result in the activation of the entrepreneurship environment in the programme area, which, in its turn, will lead to additional employment opportunities created by entrepreneurs for themselves and other personnel they may hire. More active entrepreneurship environment will also facilitate the overall development of the region and enhancement of its economic potential. It is estimated that at least 100 people will enhance their entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and competencies and at least 10 new businesses will be established as a result of the project activities.
Target groups/final beneficiaries
Target groups who will benefit from the project are students and recent graduates in business science, young people who have a business idea and/or willing to start their own business and founders of newly-established enterprises.
Main planned activities
Development, pilot testing and implementation of non-formal educational programmes; Development and conduction of seminars and networking sessions; Development of an ICT tool that imitates a process of business start-up and development and is aimed at enhancement of entrepreneurial skills.