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Green Palette

The European Commission has suspended the cooperation with the Russian Federation within this Programme and participation of Russian beneficiaries in project implementation is suspended as well. Improvement of environmental management through joint actions in Programme’s cross-border regions (GreenPalette) will develop and mingle 7 different solutions to common challenges in 7 partner municipalities. Four of them […]

Versts of Feelings

The European Commission has suspended the cooperation with the Russian Federation within this Programme and participation of Russian beneficiaries in project implementation is suspended as well. 630 Versts full of Feelings created a new joint cross-border tourism product based on sensory experience and emotions on the Programme territory spanning from St. Petersburg to Kraslava municipality […]


The European Commission has suspended the cooperation with the Russian Federation within this Programme and participation of Russian beneficiaries in project implementation is suspended as well. The project “Entrepreneurship, women and advice: a network of resource centers  in the border areas” (EWA) contributes to development of socio-economic potential of women constituting significant part of economically […]