Public hearing for the Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2021-2027

The Managing Authority of the Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 invites the stakeholders for public consultations on the prepared Programme Document and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

The public hearing is a procedure that offers a floor to anyone wishing to express their opinion on the documents that define the future Latvia-Russia CBC Programme for the period of 2021-2021. Local stakeholders, Programme partners, potential implementors, and representatives of target audiences at all levels are especially welcomed.

The draft Programme Document for the Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2021-2027 can be found here:

The draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) can be found here:

With key priorities and possible type of actions selected, we are seeking an opinion on the Programme for 2021-2027 and/or Strategic Environmental Assessment. Please submit your feedback here: before 15 January 2022.

Moreover, you are welcome to participate in the online consultation on 15 December 2021. Stake your seat before 13 December:

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution!

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