“RunRaRo” grant contract has been signed

On 25 September, 2019, the Managing Authority of Latvia-Russia CBC Programme and Rundāle Local Municipality signed the grant contract to implement the project “Landscape as a Resource: Backing New Services and Tourism in Rundāle, Rauna and Ropsha” (RunRaRo).

The municipalities of Rundāle, Rauna (Latvia) and Ropsha (Russia) join their cultural heritage potential to increase attractiveness of the programme border regions for visitors. The focus is on improvement of historical objects with IT involved, relevant business support activities and mass cultural events as three integral components to highlight the tourist destinations.

The total budget of the project is almoust 650 thousand EUR, including Programme co-financing of almoust 585 thousand EUR.

To learn more about the project follow the link:http://bit.ly/LAT-RUS-RunRaRo

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