The updated Expenditure and revenue verification guidelines

Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 projects Expenditure and Revenue Verification Guidelines (hereinafter – Guidelines) have been updated and approved by the Managing Authority on 18 December 2020. For your convenience, please find the Guidelines with all updates highlighted in green here.

Here is a short description of the main changes:

  • In line with the recommendations of the Audit Authority, the auditors and financial controllers must provide opinion concerning detected ineligible expenditure, stating whether it is of a one-off or systemic character. If systemic error is stated information about any actions required and follow-up steps to be taken to reduce it should be provided.
  • The auditors and financial controllers must assess the absence of double funding of reported expenditures. Previously verification was limited to travel, accommodation and equipment costs.
  • To improve the quality of the submitted reports, additional recommendations for completing the checklist for the expenditure and revenue verification were introduced.

Please feel free to contact your project manager if you have any questions!

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