“Versts of Feelings” grant contract has been signed

On 28 June Aluksne Municipality signed the grant contract with the Managing Authority of the Programme to implement the project “630 Versts Full of Feelings”! Actual implementation of the project was started well before signing the grant contract – on the 15th of May.

By implementing a variety of activities the project strengthens historical and cultural capacity of the cross-border area and contributes to socio-economic development of Vidzeme and Latgale (Latvia), and Pskov region and St Petersburg (Russia). A new Sense Tour will be developed to discover new dimensions of Izborsk Reserve and Museum, Kraslava and Luznava Manors, Preili Manor Park, Arendole, Varaklani and Litene Manors. Moreover the partners will work on the following:

  • Restoration of the Fortepiano and Organ room original paintings in Aluksne New castle (LV) and ferry wharfs in Pavlovsk park (RU);
  • Creation of a new attraction in Aluksne (LV) historical centre – Zip-line activity;
  • Creation of a mobile app with digital guide for 9 cross-border tourism sites;
  • Different masterclasses and workshops to develop sense-based offers at historical objects;
  • Cross-border conferences in Pavlovsk, Aluksne, Izborsk and Latgale region.

The total project budget is 800 thousand EUR, including Programme co-financing of 720 thousand EUR.

To learn more about the project follow the link: http://bit.ly/Versts-of-Feelings

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