The information seminars are open to eligible organisations from the Programme area that intend to apply for funding within the call for proposals (the call will be launched in June 2017).
These seminars are practice oriented and will help you:
- receive information on the contents and the application procedures of the call for proposals;
- get useful hints on how to fill-in and submit the project concept note;
- have a chance to share your project idea and network with other stakeholders.
All four seminars share similar methodology session and foresee individual consultations, however, seminars in Rezekne and Pskov will include also partner search activities that will help connect with like-minded organisations to establish or enhance the partnerships.
At the same time, due to high interest from potential applicants in partners from both sides of the borders it was decided that the Seminar in St. Petersburg (13 June) will be enhanced with additional partner search activities. In such way, the seminar expects to bring together a variety of stakeholders from St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and therefore Latvian organisations looking for Russian partners are strongly encouraged to take this opportunity to network and establish new contacts. Likewise, the seminar and partner search in Pskov and Rezekne will provide a great opportunity for networking and exchange of project ideas with organisations from Pskov region and regions in Latvia.
The seminars in Valmiera will not include the partner search component and will be of local character focusing on individual and group consultations.
In order to take all advantages of the networking experience and to use full potential of the partner search, we urge you to submit your project ideas before the seminars. This can be done via online partner search tool on the Programme website.
To register for seminars, there are only two steps to follow:
- Submit the project idea – (follow these tips on how to do it)
- Fill in the registration form for the seminars –
Early registrations are encouraged, so we may assist you in any way possible in a timely manner.